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FACEnetwork at Slow Food Cheese Event

[News from FACE]

In September a council meeting of FACEnetwork was organised in Bra (Italy), preceding the Slow Food Cheese Event. Our council meeting took place in the House of Biodiversity, where we were hosted by Slow Food. We also had a meeting with a representative of Slow Food and spoke about the topics that FACEnetwork and Slow Food have in common and how we could join forces, for example regarding raw milk issues, animal welfare and applications for research funds.

At the event, cheesemakers and others active in FACEnetwork were omnipresent: at the market, in taste workshops and in demonstrations.
We took good advantage of this possibility to meet in person.

In the pictures QueRed members Cesar Campo and Luis Perez from Spain in their stand at the cheese market

and Lorenzo Picco from supporting member Agenform giving a cheesmaking demonstration.

Pictures: Alessandro Vargiu / Archivio Slow Food

And more pictures of the Cheese market and the workshops:

Pictures: Maria Cristina Crucitti and Charlotte Gohier  –  4 October 2023