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FACE in itinere Info Days

Report of the first tour

The FACE in itinere project ended in December 2020. The project dedicated to facilitate for future and current cheesemakers or sellers gaining experience and exchanging in Europe.
The website built with the support of Erasmus+, offers from now on:

To present and exchange about the new created possiblities of:

The FACE in itinere team has hold 6 online info days in 4 languages with more than 90 participants from all over Europe.

More sessions in January 2021 are planned in Croatian, Dutch, French, Polish, Spanish and Swedish, find here further information the dates and the possibility to register.

Meet the users of the FACE in itinere platform:

FACE in itinere Project Presentations in:


ir*(file-pdf) Bulgarian Version
ir*(file-pdf) Croatian Version
ir*(file-pdf) Dutch Version
ir*(file-pdf) English Version
ir*(file-pdf) French Version
ir*(file-pdf) German Version
ir*(file-pdf) Greek Version
ir*(file-pdf) Italian Version
ir*(file-pdf) Spanish Version
ir*(file-pdf) Swedish Version

]i  –  21 December 2020